Our story

Our mission
The qualification, motivation, professionalism and experience of our staff is, in our opinion, together with our clients and suppliers, they form the most important part for the development of our work, which we carry out with the utmost care and commitment. Since we believe in precision and efficiency of our work, we have a highly equipped laboratory with a mobile spectrometer that periodically analyzes non-ferrous metals with exact reliability and efficiency, automatic presses to process metals, shears, mobile presses, trucks for the collection of metals at the facilities of our suppliers , etc. Our vehicles are always equipped with the most up-to-date technology, containers, cranes, self-loading, self-supporting boxes, which, coordinated by the logistics team, always guarantee the best service, with authorized Transporter code T-664 and Authorized Treater No. E- 107.95, through the Department of the Environment of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
We have an excellent infrastructure, highly trained to treat approximately 24,000 tons per year of aluminum scrap and its different alloys. We process the merchandise with a strict supervision control and weighing of materials to always obtain the best results, analyzing its alloys by means of a spectrometer avoiding classification errors. Our automatic processing machinery elaborates the various formats of material packaging, with control before and after its packaging, putting the maximum effort to provide our customers with the best quality and weighing precision with our scales up to 3 tons and a large tonnage scale for weighing trucks and trailers.
Equipment and staff
The equipment of Morgar Recuperaciones, S.A. It consists of different services, both trucks with cranes, auto compactors, hook boxes, containers, box delivery service and material collection among other services for which you can contact us if you need the collection of non-ferrous or ferrous materials for recycling.
At Morgar Recuperaciones, S.A. We are aware of the importance of having a good team, which is why we believe that the motivation and relationship with the company of the workers, as well as the knowledge of the materials, is a fundamental part. The humane treatment and the motivation of our professionals are key points that They directly affect the satisfaction of our customers through a job well done, maintaining seriousness and a good atmosphere, with the strict requirement necessary to obtain the highest quality.
Our team is fully qualified, and regularly participates in continuous training programs that allow us to maintain the professional level required in a world in constant evolution and development.